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23feb5:00 pm7:00 pmBEERS IN THE BARRIO

Beers in the Barrio

Event Details

Say ‘adiós’ to the week together and relax with a Beers in the barrio.

We truly believe that coworking is not just about walls and beers on a Friday. But we also recognize that it’s a lot easier to end the working week when you know it will end with Beer.

We run our Beers in the barrio event every Friday after work, it is a casual event for our members and friends. Sometimes we also organise special events on Friday with Bar Bailèn open to everyone including non-members of MOB.

So come every Friday to our MOB Bailèn venue in Barcelona at 17h grab a beer and meet new friends in our coworking.



(Friday) 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm(GMT+01:00)

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